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Increasing Hepatitis C Knowledge for Behavioral Health and Medical Providers
October 30, 2019

This 6-hour face-to-face training curriculum was recently updated in 2019 and includes the latest in treatment options available and the impact of the opioid epidemic on HCV in the U.S. The course is designed to instruct behavioral health and medical providers on hepatitis C (HCV) epidemiology, opportunities for promoting HCV screening and testing, treatment options and considerations, and linking persons infected to HCV health care.

By the end of this training, participants should be able to:


  1. List at least three populations impacted by the opioid crisis, 2019.
  2. List at least three infections that result from injection drug use.
  3. Discuss at least two reasons why it is important to promote hepatitis C screening and confirmatory diagnostic testing.
  4. Describe at least three prevention messages that can be used when promoting hepatitis C screening and testing.
  5. List at least three treatment factors to consider and describe at least two new treatment options available for patients with HCV.
  6. Provide examples of at least three strategies to link persons infected with HCV to HCV-focused health care.


Request a Hepatitis C training by contacting the ATTC in your Region.